Planing to move to Germany or exit Germany?
You don't know where to start with your official letters?
Got a confusing letter and it looks important?
No time or energy?

Life as an expat is exciting, but sometimes small things can cause big problems.
There are so many things to take care of when moving to a new country. It already can be confusing on your own and if confusion and misinformation is combined with busy work schedules or other personal needs, it can be impossible to get it all done on your own.
Our assistance is designed to give you full support and guidance.

- City Hall
- Önkormányzat( Rathaus)
- Adóhivatal ( Finanzamt)
- Egészségbiztosító (Krankenkasse)
- Nyugdíjbiztosító (Rentenversicherung)
- Family allowance (Kindergeld, Elterngeld, Mutterschaftsgeld)
- Családipótlék kiegészítés (Kinderzuschlag)
- Lakástámogatás (Wohngeld)
- Szociális támogatás (Jobcenter)
- Munkanélküli segély (Arbeitslosengeld)
- installment payments
- applications for decrease the debt
- formal notice letters from bank, lawyer, police, goverment